
Today’s Friday the last day before we get our for Mardi Gras break. A whole week out is my type of style. Not saying I don’t like school but I’m so tired and hungry when I come here I be ready to go home and just sleep in, but next thing you know it’s time for me to wake up again smh. 1st block had a project due today called “what’s in the bag” it consisted of picking 4 vocabulary words, remembering the definition, and having 4 objects that represents the word. Well sadly I didn’t do this project I had a lot going and end up forgetting I was so upset. So you know that brought my grade down. I was at a 80 but now I have a 79. We finally finished reading the play “Fences” and I must say I liked it; it ended quit surprisingly at the end I played the part Of Raynell who was Troy’s daughter from a mistress. It wasn’t nothing to major just a few parts but lol I liked it because I am very shy and Reading even though it wasn’t a class full of people today just made me feel good today. I look forward to finding this movie over the break 


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