

This stupid virus....the coronavirus is such a disturbance right now. Like can you believe we have 2 and a half weeks out of school because of this and sad to say when school is in I always say I'm ready to go home,but when I'm at home I actually want to go to school. The only class I really enjoy is first block  which is mr.rease's class. Sometimes I'm like ughh so boring but I know he only wants the best for his students. Maybe this was a break for us to focus on the bigger thing and that is god we get so caught up in other stuff and not remembering god and worshipping him.Welp it's almost 11 and I'm tired my eyes are literally trying to shut down lol..     Til tomorrow     Angel


Today’s Friday the last day before we get our for Mardi Gras break. A whole week out is my type of style. Not saying I don’t like school but I’m so tired and hungry when I come here I be ready to go home and just sleep in, but next thing you know it’s time for me to wake up again smh. 1st block had a project due today called “what’s in the bag” it consisted of picking 4 vocabulary words, remembering the definition, and having 4 objects that represents the word. Well sadly I didn’t do this project I had a lot going and end up forgetting I was so upset. So you know that brought my grade down. I was at a 80 but now I have a 79. We finally finished reading the play “Fences” and I must say I liked it; it ended quit surprisingly at the end I played the part Of Raynell who was Troy’s daughter from a mistress. It wasn’t nothing to major just a few parts but lol I liked it because I am very shy and Reading even though it wasn’t a class full of people today just made me feel good today. I look f


Today’s agenda in Mr. Rease’s first block was to read a play called “Fences”. So far, I like it my teacher say he will be switching the rolls with different students in our class; I just hope he doesn’t pick me. I’m a shy girl , but I’ll sometimes get comfortable around the right people; this has been a thing since I was a little girl. I try my best to over come it and sometimes I feel like it’s works , but I have to put more effort in it. The play is so far about this man and his wife ( Troy and Rose) troy didn’t really like being told what to do. From my perspective he sounds like he’s just a man that likes to get drunk and talk mess all day lol...... I just hope tomorrow does me good and be a chill day , but hopefully we can read Scene 2... Welp this concludes my blogger today did me bad; I’m very tired.

Ole Tuesday

It’s now the second week of February already the months are passing by pretty fast. Today was a pretty usual day in Mr. Rease’s class. Our class created an character and broke down sections to create a story with this character. For homework Mr. Rease wanted us create or finish our story. Our story had to include an: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and finally a resolution. My story is about this mixed drug dealer, the drug dealer name big Chris he was mixed with black and Chinese). His parents were killed in a car crash a couple years, so every since then he’s been staying with his grandma Delma.              To Be Continued..........

A Normal Day

It’s 6:44pm and I’m currently getting my hair did the girl that’s doing it seem pretty cool. Tomorrow’s finally Friday and I am so happy; I can finally relax for a couple days, because I really get tired of getting early. I know I’m pretty behind on my blogs but that’s only because I’ve been busy with my sisters and my grandma (who’s really my whole heart). Today was a good day at school but then it didn’t ; I got really tired and hungry. I don’t eat school food because sometimes it’s nasty or we really don’t have enough time to eat the lunch lines be so long by the time I get my plate and finding where I’m gone sit it’ll be time to go. Welp that’s it for tonight. I have to finish getting my hair did
My name is Angel Loggins I am a junior at B.C. Rain High school; I am in Mr. Rease’s class. I am a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha organization Culturuma. I’m very antisocial due to past friendships and just because I just felt like I needed to be by myself cause to much was going being friendly to other people. I love to cook. I love music, music is my escape from everything as well as walking about the neighborhood or walking. It’s 7:07 pm and I’m currently watching videos on how to do acrylic nails I always wanted to learn how to do acrylic nails. Tonight for dinner I’m cooking baked pork chops, broccoli with cheese, and rice.